Come and join us for our Communion service this Sunday…
When: Sunday 9th March - 10:00am
Where: St John’s Church, St John’s Church Road, Folkestone, CT19 5BQ
Bible Passage: John 15:18-16:4
Theme: The challenge of belonging to the King
Do stay around after the service for light refreshments and sometimes there’s even cake!
Kent Mens Convention.
For those of you who were unable to make it to the convention this year. Please follow the below links to this years talks by Paul Mallard.
If you could ask God ONE QUESTION and you knew it would be answered - What would it be?
If you have questions about life, death, God, and what the future holds, why not come and join our next Christianity Explored course.
click here to find out more
Click here for this week’s Get Connected
This lent we will be running a course called 3-2-1. The course invites you to see life the way Jesus does. Inspired by Jesus’ vision of reality, 321 is designed to help you think about God, the world and yourself through immersive videos and thoughtful illustrations.
Come and join us on Wednesday 2nd April at 7pm in St John’s Church, the course will run for 3 consecutive weeks