Sunday Fun (age 4-11)
Every Sunday except the first in the month, children aged 4-11 learn action songs, wave flags and do an activity at the start of the main worship service before going off to the hall for age appropriate Bible teaching, worship, prayer, games and craft.
On the first Sunday in the month, they join in our All Together Now Family Service in Church.
There's a creche in church for Babies and Toddlers, with toys and activities. Parents can choose to stay with their children or leave them with volunteers who will care for them and play with them so that mums and dads can join in the worship.
Open the Book
(age 5-11)
Ages 5-11. People from St John's are involved in all kinds of activities in two local schools, Folkestone Primary Academy and Mundella Primary School. Both these schools use our church for special services. We also visit them to conduct school assemblies and, as part of a national scheme for helping young children learn some key Bible stories, we Open the Book and tell the stories by acting them out in costume.